Žarko Smiljanić Grafike

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,, Prints performed in extraordinary skills. Smiljanic builds his plate carefully, patiently, in long-term processes, in classic techniques of printmaking, aquatint, vernis-mou, mezzotint. As the old masters had done long ago. In tradition of the noble craft skills. Usually in two plates, where the first plate often boasts mossy, grassy green, rich in structure, whilst the second plate, in its velvet black nuance, defines the scenery, light and shadow…
Prof. Biljana Vukovic
,, Grafike Žarka Smiljanića jednostavno traže od nas i da ih oslušnemo i shvatimo nedodirljivu mirnoću kojom su sve natopljene, nagnaju nas da bar malo sanjamo, da pobegnemo u netaknuti svet tu iza i oko nas, svet koga smo se nesvesno odrekli.
prof. Slobodan Pejović
,, Graphic sheets of Zarko Smiljanic have been marked by the lyric, intimate contemplation. Nothing impulsive exists in his prints, but only restrained lyricism and serene, twilight temperament. The unison, sophistication and harmony are the ideological determinants that have permanently defined the graphic opus of the artist… This artist is interested in oneiric, archetypal landscapes of extremely complex range of light and shadow. In these gorgeous and desert landscapes, captured in the moment of dusk or dawn, he explores the mystical constellation between woods and time. The magic and metaphysics of Smiljanic’s scenes lie in the unusual beauty of wood, earth and sky, in their elusiveness, but also in the divine touch.
Dragan Jovanovic Danilov
,, Žarko Smiljanić finim grafičkim tkanjem, izuzetnom senzibilnošću i tonskom iznijansiranošću otiskuje delove predela...Njegov potez nekad je minuciozan, drugi put vibrantan, ali uvek siguran i precizan. Korišćenjem odabrane tonske skale dočarava poetsko lirski štimung.
Žarko Smiljanić poseduje raskošno umeće grafičkog zanata i osobeno osećanje sveta i prirode. Kombinovanjem grafičkih tehnika duboke štampe, ostvaruje kompozicije jedinstvenih, istančanih rešenja i nadrealne atmosferske bajkovitosti.
Vanja Kraut
,, Smiljanić svoje grafike stvara predano, sa beskonačnom strpljivošću i preciznošću, u želji da ovekoveči prostranstva neiskvarena dodirom čoveka i savremenom civilizacijom, daleko od haosa, buke i užurbanog ritma moderne svakodnevice. On, ne samo da oživljava uzvišenost i lepotu prirode, već svojom sklonošću da oblike predstavi do najsitnijih detalja u mekim prelazima, stvara novi svet – nežan, gotovo poetičan.
Nataša Backović
,, His graphic sheets are simplified and recognisable. That is a world of silence, emanating from the waving hills and fields of velvety softness, and beyond, a wide sky, grey or midnight blue lies. Seemingly, these are the simple scenes of nature, which consist of two, three wide surfaces, expertly selected and tightly composed in the entirety… Smiljanić has completely immersed himself into his poetic world, indifferent to evanescent, fashionable trends which are quickly fading in the art scene. These landscapes, inhabited by human figures are poetic visions of a distant and pure world, left to the infinite silence of time…
Prof. Emir Dragulj
,, Lirska intimistička konteplativnost, obeležila je grafičke listove Žarka Smiljanića. Ničeg impulsivnog nema na njegovim grafikama, već samo suzdržane lirike i smirenog, sutonskog temperamenta. Sklad, prefinjenost i harmoničnost, idejne su odrednice koje su trajno obeležile grafički opus ovog grafičara... Ovog umetnika zanimaju onirijski, arhetipski predeli, izuzetno složenog registra svetlosti i senki. Na tim predelima raskošnim ili pustim, uhvaćenim u doba sutona ili praskozorja, on istražuje mističnu konstelaciju izmedju drveta i vremena. Magičnost i metafizičnost Smiljanićevih prizora jeste u neobičnoj lepoti razmera drveta, zemlje i neba, u njihovoj nedokučivosti, ali i božanskom dodiru.
Dragan Jovanović Danilov
,, There are no figural motifs, no people in Smiljanic’s prints...Only plants, objects, firmament or Pleiades (Seven Sisters star cluster) can be seen. It appears that there is no life at all, however, there is much life in his graphics, there are so many souls - only they have to be discovered there.
Prof. Miodrag Jovanovic