Žarko Smiljanić Grafike

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,, Žarko Smiljanić finim grafičkim tkanjem, izuzetnom senzibilnošću i tonskom iznijansiranošću otiskuje delove predela...Njegov potez nekad je minuciozan, drugi put vibrantan, ali uvek siguran i precizan. Korišćenjem odabrane tonske skale dočarava poetsko lirski štimung.
Žarko Smiljanić poseduje raskošno umeće grafičkog zanata i osobeno osećanje sveta i prirode. Kombinovanjem grafičkih tehnika duboke štampe, ostvaruje kompozicije jedinstvenih, istančanih rešenja i nadrealne atmosferske bajkovitosti.
Vanja Kraut
,, Grafike izvedene izvanrednim umećem. Smiljanić ploču gradi brižljivo, strpljivo, dugotrajnim procesom obrade, klasičnim tehnikama duboke štampe, akvatinta, meka prevlaka, mecotinta. Poput starih majstora. U tradiciji plemenitih zanatskih veština. Uglavnom u dve ploče, gde često prva ploča nosi mahovinastu, travnatu podlogu zelene, bogate strukture, a druga ploča somotastom crnom definiše predeo, svetlost i senku...
prof. Biljana Vuković
,, Smiljanić svoje grafike stvara predano, sa beskonačnom strpljivošću i preciznošću, u želji da ovekoveči prostranstva neiskvarena dodirom čoveka i savremenom civilizacijom, daleko od haosa, buke i užurbanog ritma moderne svakodnevice. On, ne samo da oživljava uzvišenost i lepotu prirode, već svojom sklonošću da oblike predstavi do najsitnijih detalja u mekim prelazima, stvara novi svet – nežan, gotovo poetičan.
Nataša Backović
,, Through his fine graphic knitting, exceptional sensitivity and tonal shading, Zarko Smiljanic prints out parts of the landscapes… His stroke across the plate is sometimes meticulous, then vibrant, but still steady and accurate. Using the selected tone scale he evokes the poetic-lyrical ambience. Zarko Smiljanic possesses lavish sense for graphic art and specifically he digests the world and nature throughout. Combining various printmaking techniques, he achieves unique composition of subtle solutions and surreal atmospheric fairy-tale.
Vanja Kraut
,, Kada sam pre dosta godina video prve grafike Žarka Smiljanića, osetio sam da prelazim u jedan drugi svet, svet prirode, spokojstva, svetla, senki, osame i tišine...
Svet naročite estetizovanosti, veoma različit od onoga u kojem provodimo većinu dana svog ovozemaljskog života...
Vasa Pavković
,, Smiljanić creates his prints with dedication, with infinite patience and precision, in order to perpetuate the expanse unspoiled by human touch and modern civilisation, far away from chaos, noise and hectic pace of modern everyday life. Not only that he brings into life sublimity and beauty of nature, but, in his tendency to present the forms in their tiniest details within his soft moves, he is creating a new world – fragile, thus poetic.
Natasa Backovic
,, There are no figural motifs, no people in Smiljanic’s prints...Only plants, objects, firmament or Pleiades (Seven Sisters star cluster) can be seen. It appears that there is no life at all, however, there is much life in his graphics, there are so many souls - only they have to be discovered there.
Prof. Miodrag Jovanovic
,, His graphic sheets are simplified and recognisable. That is a world of silence, emanating from the waving hills and fields of velvety softness, and beyond, a wide sky, grey or midnight blue lies. Seemingly, these are the simple scenes of nature, which consist of two, three wide surfaces, expertly selected and tightly composed in the entirety… Smiljanić has completely immersed himself into his poetic world, indifferent to evanescent, fashionable trends which are quickly fading in the art scene. These landscapes, inhabited by human figures are poetic visions of a distant and pure world, left to the infinite silence of time…
Prof. Emir Dragulj